


SAML: How it Works, Vulnerabilities and Common Attacks

Secure identity and access management has become a key challenge for organisations. Among the solutions available, Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) has become an essential standard for single sign-on (SSO).

This XML-based protocol enables users to authenticate once and access multiple applications without having to log in again, simplifying the user experience. However, if poorly implemented, critical vulnerabilities can be exploited.

Black Box Penetration Testing: Objective, Methodology and Use Cases

During a penetration test, we generally consider 3 test conditions: black, grey or white box.

These test conditions correspond to the levels of information provided to the pentesters in order to carry out a pentest on a specific target. While a white box pentest will consist of providing as much information as possible, during a black box penetration test, the pentesters will have no data on the test target.

What is Smishing?

Smishing (SMS phishing): How to Identify Attacks and Protect Yourself?

You will no doubt be familiar with phishing, which consists of sending malicious emails to encourage people to perform sensitive actions, such as entering their credentials on a fake authentication page.

Smishing is very similar, except that the attacker does not send emails, but text messages, hence the name smishing. Essentially, smishing is nothing more and nothing less than SMS phishing.

Penetration Testing: Methodology, Scope and Types of Pentests

With cybersecurity risks on the rise, it is becoming more and more obvious to carry out a penetration test (pentest) to reassure customers, partners and investors.

Moreover, for companies involved in a certification process (ISO 27001, SOC2, HDS, PCI-DSS, etc.), a penetration test is an imperative. And for others, it is an essential prerequisite for satisfying the pentesting report requests of their customers and prospects.

API Penetration Testing: Objective, Methodology, Black Box, Grey Box and White Box Tests

APIs are prime targets for attackers because of their exposure and critical nature, particularly in terms of handling sensitive data. To minimise the risk of security breaches, it is essential to implement robust security measures, understand the types of attack and assess their potential impact.

There are several ways of assessing the security of an API. In this article, we present the “offensive” approach, which we believe to be the most effective: API penetration testing (or API pentesting). We detail the principles and objectives, as well as use cases for black box, grey box and white box pentesting.

Mobile Application Penetration Testing: Objective, Methodology and Testing Scope

Mobile applications are increasingly used in all areas of business: HR, finance, insurance, transport, and so on. As a result, they are prime targets for attackers.

There are several ways of assessing the security of a mobile application. In this article, we present the “offensive” approach, which we believe to be the most effective: mobile penetration testing (or mobile pentesting). We detail the principles, objectives, methodology and features tested during mobile application penetration testing.

Security Misconfiguration: OWASP Top 10 #5

Security misconfiguration is a worrying problem, occupying fifth place in the OWASP Top 10. In fact, we frequently encounter many vulnerabilities of this type during our web application penetration tests. Furthermore, this security issue affects a large number of web applications (90% according to OWASP).

In this article, we present this type of vulnerability through the prism of the OWASP Top 10, using attack scenarios. We also detail the best practices and measures to be implemented to protect against them.